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Production Data Manual


Manual uploading requires basic blockchain knowledge, as well as certain code development, usage, and interface review capabilities.

More demos are being added continuously


Set Production Data

const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(''));

const sender_prvi_key = 'YOUR PRIVATE KEY';
const contractAddress = '0xFe6810EDE16180686ee083A1B246A4182501E597' //GasData:0xe501CD75BA83798ECB408900034FF9BAC4926d5E
// Specify the relative path of the corresponding abi.json file
const abiJSON = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "./", `OilData.json`)));
// Params
const params = [
"0x4872484e4579694e575a65745956524879303873680000000000000000000000", // RequestID
"0x4872484e4579694e575a65745956524879303873680000000000000000000000", // RequestID
0, // Keep Zero
"0x0C6621BE4Bcd1Fff25d337D149246130cFc2B4d8", //Owner Address
1000, //Asset Value
0, // Keep Zero
230101, //Date (Format YYMMDD)
2301, //Month (Format YYMM)
0 // Keep Zero
// gas
const gas = 5000000;

const account = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount(sender)
const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(abiJSON, contractAddress);
contract.handleRevert = true;

const tx_builder = await contract.methods.setProductionData(...params);
const encoded_tx = tx_builder.encodeABI();
const transactionObject = {
data: encoded_tx,
from: account.address,
to: contractAddress

try {
const signTx = await web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(transactionObject, account.privateKey);
const result = await web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(signTx.rawTransaction);
} catch (e) {

The transaction can then be queried based on the printed blockHash or blockNumber in

Possible ERRORs

Explorer Error MessageDescriptionProcessing
must be the producerThe account sending the transaction does not match the account address of the approved oil well holderCheck whether sender_prvi_key is consistent with the account number approved by the ProducerProtal oil well
zero production monthThe month field cannot be 0Check whether the month position in the parameter array is in the correct month format
month format is not YYMMThe month field format is incorrectCheck whether the month position in the parameter array is in the correct month format
zero production dateThe date field cannot be 0Check whether the date position in the parameter array is in the correct date format
date format is not YYMMDDThe date field format is incorrectCheck whether the date position in the parameter array is the correct date format
zero production amountThe production field cannot be 0Check whether the Asset Value position in the parameter array is the correct production data