

Treasurenet 支持使用 Cosmos 和 Ethereum 客户端来发送交易和进行查询。



Cosmos gRPC使用 gRPC 查询或发送交易9090
Cosmos REST(gRPC-网关)使用 HTTP RESTful API 查询或发送交易9091
以太坊 JSON-RPC使用 JSON-RPC 查询以太坊格式的交易和区块或发送以太坊交易8545
以太坊 Websocket订阅在智能合约中发出的以太坊日志和事件8546
命令行界面使用你的控制台查询或发送 Treasurenet 交易

Cosmos gRPC

Treasurenet 公开了所有集成的 Cosmos SDK 模块的 gRPC 端点。这使钱包和区块链浏览器更易于与权益证明逻辑以及原生的 Cosmos 交易和查询进行交互。

Cosmos gRPC-Gateway (HTTP REST)

gRPC-Gateway 读取 gRPC 服务定义并生成一个反向代理服务器,该服务器将 RESTful JSON API 转换为 gRPC。有了 gRPC-Gateway,用户可以使用 REST 来与 Cosmos gRPC 服务进行交互。 请在此处查看 Treasurenet 测试网的支持的 gRPC-Gateway API 端点列表。


Treasurenet 支持大多数标准的JSON-RPC APIs以连接现有的兼容以太坊的 web3 工具。

以太坊 Websocket

Then, start a websocket subscription with ws

ws ws://localhost:8546/

# subscribe to new Ethereum-formatted block Headers
> {"id": 1, "method": "eth_subscribe", "params": ["newHeads", {}]}
< {"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"0x44e010cb2c3161e9c02207ff172166ef","id":1}


用户可以使用 treasurenetd 二进制文件直接通过 CLI 与 Treasurenet 节点进行交互。

  • Transactions: treasurenetd tx


Available Commands:
authz Authorization transactions subcommands
bank Bank transaction subcommands
broadcast Broadcast transactions generated offline
crisis Crisis transactions subcommands
decode Decode a binary encoded transaction string
distribution Distribution transactions subcommands
encode Encode transactions generated offline
evidence Evidence transaction subcommands
feegrant Feegrant transactions subcommands
gov Governance transactions subcommands
ibc IBC transaction subcommands
ibc-transfer IBC fungible token transfer transaction subcommands
multisign Generate multisig signatures for transactions generated offline
multisign-batch Assemble multisig transactions in batch from batch signatures
sign Sign a transaction generated offline
sign-batch Sign transaction batch files
slashing Slashing transaction subcommands
staking Staking transaction subcommands
validate-signatures validate transactions signatures
vesting Vesting transaction subcommands
  • Queries: treasurenetd query


Available Commands:
account Query for account by address
auth Querying commands for the auth module
authz Querying commands for the authz module
bank Querying commands for the bank module
block Get verified data for a the block at given height
distribution Querying commands for the distribution module
evidence Query for evidence by hash or for all (paginated) submitted evidence
evm Querying commands for the evm module
feegrant Querying commands for the feegrant module
gov Querying commands for the governance module
ibc Querying commands for the IBC module
ibc-transfer IBC fungible token transfer query subcommands
mint Querying commands for the minting module
params Querying commands for the params module
slashing Querying commands for the slashing module
staking Querying commands for the staking module
tendermint-validator-set Get the full tendermint validator set at given height
tx Query for a transaction by hash, addr++seq combination or signature in a committed block
txs Query for paginated transactions that match a set of events
upgrade Querying commands for the upgrade module